Some historical tidbits
of the town and village of Bathurst
Mr Charles Lanman, once wrote in 1853,
"The town of Bathurst contains 600 inhabitants and four churches. It has 3 shipyards, from which are annually launched from 5 to 10 handsome squarerigged vessels, and a very extensive lumbering establishment belonging to Messrs John and Francis Ferguson. Next to lumber, its chief exportations are fish and a valuable grindstone, as well as a good quality of slate. Its more influential inhabitants are English and Scotish, and accomplished to an uncommon degree, and a warm-hearted hospitality seems to be a part of their religion. It is well supplied with the sons and daughters of Erin (Ireland) while the choppers of wood and the people of the water are Acadian French. The first white man who is said to have set his feet upon its soil was a French Roman Catholic missionary named Jean Jacques Enaud, as this he did as early as 1638." During the domination of the French it was know as St Peter.
Dalhousie to Bathurst visit (August 1861)
From the St John Colonial Presbyterian
Most of the settlers are French, and you will soon learn to detect a French settler's farm wherever you see it. The fences are full of weeds, and paths of good crops stand side by side with patches in which the crop has been a total failure, solely for the want of proper culture. You will rarely see a large field of turnips on their farms, though you may meet little patches of potatoes, wheat or grain.
The French devote a good deal of time to fishing, but even this vocation they do not prosecute with evergy. Hundreds of barrels of fish are lost for lack of salt.
(The fish are used to manure the ground).
The french are remarkably mild and courteous. When you meet their children on the road, or just got leave from school, they invariably touch their caps or other-wise salute the stranger, in the most grateful manner.The only ecclesiastical structures between Campbellton and Bathurst that have anything to boast in point of a pleasing architectural style, have been erected under the Roman Catholic auspices. Their buildings in regard to site, style of construction, etc, all indicate a wise, central, presiding power.
There is a most exquisite beautiful Catholic chapel on the road to Bathurst and not a great distance beyond it. It is quite a model in its kind. It is our opinion that Protestants have greatly erred in not paying more attention to such matters.The village of Bathurst (Sept. 1861)
In the village of Bathurst, on the right, the Presbyterian Church, vacant. Not far from it is the Manse, and on the same side of the road the Superior School, taught by Mr Pool, who has a few hopeful pupils studying latin, but the schoolroom is painfully small and confined.
On the left, on a still more commanding eminence, is the Roman Catholic Chapel, a very large building. It overlooks the pleasant residence and gardens of John Ferguson, Esq., and was when we passed it, in the act of receiving a coat of white paint..
On the same site is a Catholic School, taught by Mr MacNaughton, a former member of the House of Assembly and which, unlike any protestant school in the community receives a large special grant.
The Town of Bathurst (Sept. 1861)
The Village and town of Bathurst have a population of over 1000, The Grammar School is taught by Mr Siveright (Siveret maybe? ). The town presents a very pleasant, clean and healthy appearance.
Feb. 8/1855, an earthquake rocked Bathurst, with considerable violence which in some places even made bells ring.
Feb. 2/1860, an earthquake at Bathurst, the noise was loud and continuous, and the houses shook for some time. It extended to a considerable distance around the settlement.Oct. 16/1860, earthquake at Dalhousie, 5pm. A sharp shock of an earthquake, a rumbling noise, like shound reverbating from a cavern, was first heard, then immediately after the shock ensued, rapid, apparently undulation motions, continuing from ten to 15 seconds.
Also felt at Bathurst and Chatham but apparently on different days. Oct. 21/1860, another earthquake shakes Dalhousie.
April 28/1860, Inspector's report on the schools of Gloucestor co.
*Saumarez = 1 school (french master)
*Inkerman = 2 schools, one English and one bilingual French and English
*Shippegan = 2 schools, 1 French and one almost totally French
*Caraquet = 4 French Schools
*New Bandon = 1 school by Male Teacher, 2nd class
4 schools by 3rd class male teacher
4 schools by 3rd class female teacher
*Bathurst 3 schools by 1st class teacher male
1 school by 2nd class female teacher
5 schools by 3rd class female teachers
*Beresford 3 schools by 3rd class male teachers
We are gratified to be able to state that the line was completed to Bathurst on Thursday afternoon last, (July 6/1857) when communication was held between Bathurst and Newcastle and Chatham. The line works admirably..Leaving for Gaspe, Dalhousie, Bathurst, Miramichi, Shediac and Pictou.
The new iron screw Steamer Lady Head, 150 nominal horse power, William Davidson master, will leave this port on Tuesday June 1st at 9 am. Touching at the above places going and returning
Apply to F.Buteau, McPherson's Buildings, St Peter's Quebec, May 13/1858.
Steamer Lady Head, capt. Davison, arrived from Quebec, Dalhousie is the only port of the Province at which she will call.. she travelled once each 2 weeks.
There was also a steamship Arabian with M. Steen as Commander which travelled, Chatham, Bathurst, Dalhousie, New Carlisle, Rimouski, Riviere Du Loup, Quebec once each 2 weeks also.Jan. 19/1861, Restigouche is loud in congratulating itself upon its being on speaking terms with the rest of the world. The telegraph line is now in complete working order.
Bathurst July 6/1849
Mr John T. Carter, has opened his house, in the Town of Bathurst as a Temperance Inn.
Mar. 23/1860
First Temperance meeting held in schoolhouse near Louison's Brook, next meeting in April when a Total Abstinence Society will be formed.
POPULATION Gloucester County. Parish in 1840 in 1851 Bathurst 2171 2913 New Bandon 700 1144 Caraquet & Shippegan 2075 1787 Shippegan 1427 Saumarez 1591 2376 Beresford 1214 1984
Some of the above are excerpts from the Gleaner and Mercury early newspapers
This page was put together by Irene Doyle 1999