John Anderson Esq., died at Bathurst, Friday March 26/1830 at age 36 he was county coroner Andrew Strawhorn native of Argyleshire, Scotland died at Bathurst, at age 45, on Monday Sept. 6/1830. He had lived in area for over 14 years and left 6 children Norman Steele of P.E.I. died Sept. 19/1831 at Neguac. Sept. 1831, coroner's inquest finds Mrs Baldwin of Bathurst. Died of Abuse of Alcool. A storm on Jan. 21/1833 took the life of a young Tabusintac man by name of Robinson William Miller, of Bathurst, drowned Oct. 30/1833 Jan. 14/1834, at New Carlisle, John Robson, of Norfolk England died at age 36, he worked at Salter and Robson in Miramichi Feb. 6/1835, Ausby Cherity, schoolmaster, found dead on the road in Lower Gloucester Died, infant child, scalded to death, on Oct. 6/1835 child of Firmin Boucher of Bathurst Nov. 24/1835, William Ure, went in the woods at Bartibogue cut his throat with a razor, inquest verdict, insanity deranged in mind May 21/1836, John Hunter, brother to the late Andrew Hunter of Bathurst and volunteer in the Euphrates Expedition was lost in the Tigris Steamer Sunday, Ont.11/1840, at age 22 1/2 years, Jane wife of John Day Esq., she died suddenly at Paspebiac, she was daughter of William Johnston Ameno (Munro) of Caraquet.. May 8/1841, died William Delaney, innkeeper Died at Neguac, Dec. 23/1840, Edward White, the last of the first settlers at age 79..he was of Oak Point. Death dated Apr. 27/1841, on Sunday last, Mrs Charlotte Hierlihey 89 years, she was the 3rd British settler on the Banks of the Miramichi Apr. 1st/1841, Mrs Jane Harkness, age 71, of Dumfries who immigrated to this country 18 years ago At Kilmarnock Scotland on Mar. 17/1841, William Shields Esq., died formerly of Bathurst NB At Bathurst on Tuesday Apr. 16/1841, died Martha wife of Captain McAlpine aged 22 years May 30/1841, at Pokemouche, died, William Arthur Stirling, schoolmaster an old resident of the South West Branch of the Miramichi, aged 68 years leaving a widow to lament his loss.. James O'Donnel of Saumarez , blacksmith, died Shippegan, June 25/1842 Jan. 12/1843 at Oldham, Bathurst, died Robert, infant son of Francis Ferguson of that place aged 2 months At Bathurst Jan. 12/1843, Philippe Cotier a native of the Isle of Man Great Britain, after a long and painful illness Feb. 4/1843 at Bathurst died Jane wife of John Willis, aged 61 years Feb. 6/1843 at Oldhall, Bathurst died Helen Ferguson d/o F. Ferguson At Bathurst, Apr. 28/1843, died Ellen Rosa wife of Mr John Woolner, aged 29 she was a native of Dedham, Essex, England Died at P.E.I. on March 1/1844, Mrs Hay, advanced in years and a native of Scotland wife of Duncan Hay who resided many years in Caraquet.. Died at Bathurst Setp. 23/1844, Janet, relict of the late Samuel Waite, formerly of England Saturday May 10/1845, Richard Blackstock , merchant, died at age 35. died at Bathurst formerly of Chatham Caraquet, Friday Dec. 12/1845 after an illness of 12 days, age 67, George Sivret, Esq., a native of the Island of Jersey, formerly of Arichat, Cape Breton, and for several years a Justice of the Peace for the County of Gloucester. He left a wife and thirteen children. Co. of Gloucester: Fatal accident, on the Jan. 29/1845, as Mr Isadore Arsune making timber in the woods a limb of a tree struck him on the head and felled him to the ground, a lifeless corpse to mourn their loss. Mr Arsune was an Acadian Frenchman.(Could this be Arsenau?) Tetagouche, March 24/1846, Richard Smyth, a farmer, perished on the road between Bathurst and his house, on the evening of Tuesday the 24th., within a quarter mile of a farm house. He had left the village about dark, and his body was found on Wednesday early, laying extended on the roadside. Mr Smyth was a native of Ireland, and emigrated to this country a few years ago, he was possessed of considerable intelligence, well liked in his neighbourhood and has left a widow and eleven children. Bathurst, April 4/1846, Mr Charles Doucet Sr., age 77, 56 of which he lived with his wife Marie Arsenaux who died on July 23/1845 at age 75. Caraquet: Mrs Mary widow of the late Charles Coughlan, Esq., age 45 years, died May 5/1846.. At Bathurst, Wednesday July 15/1846, age 36, Jane, wife of Robert Gordon, Esq., and eldest daughter of Hugh Munro. At the residence of Mr Hugh A. Caie, Shippegan, on July 31/1846, Thomas Peters, infant son of the Hon . Joseph Cunard, aged 7 months. At Sommerset Vale, Bathurst, on Friday Sept. 25/1846, after a protracted illness, in the 82nd year of his age, Hugh Munro, Esq.. Mr Munro, was a native of Rosshire, Scotland, whence he emigrated to one of the British North American colonies, now the United States. At the Revolution of 1783, he accompanied his parents and many other loyalists, who found a home in Canada and New Brunswick. He resided for upwards of forty years in this Province, and represented the County of Northumberland in the Provincial General Assembly for many years. As a magistrate and Judge of the Common Pleas, and in every other Public capacity, his character was marked by the strictest integrety.. Church of Scotland. At Caraquet, very suddenly, on Dec. 21/1846, Mr James Doran, 4 son of the late John Doran, of Maryport England, aged 38 yrs. At New Bandon Feb. 7/1847, Elizabeth wife of Richard Dawson, Jr., age 25 yrs, and the only child of Mr. W. Grimley of Newcastle. Dr. John Vondy, health officer at the Lazaretto, age 27, died on Middle Island on July 2/1847. May 27/1848, J.C. Ord, Esq., of Cumberland's Terrace, Regent's Park, aged 38. Mr Ord was the purchaser last season of several large tracts of land in the County of Gloucester, in this province, near Bathurst Harbour where he also made several explorations for coal. James McDonald, Dec. 6/1848. a boy of 14 years of age, son of William McDonald of Black River, was skating with his cousin Alexander McLean, the ice gave way, when the former was drowned opposite James Cameron's farm, Black River, and the latter had great difficulty in saving himself. Jan. 6/1849, at Grighton, at the residence of M. Charles H. Richardson, Mr George Sinnet supposed to have been at least 120 years old. He was a native of Lower Germany, He came to this country in the army of the famous Genearal Wolfe and was at the eventful battle of Quebec, on Sept. 13/1759, and stood by that General when he bled on the Plains of Abraham. He then came to this province, enlised in the 104th Regiment from which he ws discharged 35 years ago. At Perce, P.Q., Canada East, James Eaton, school master formerly of Bathurst, N.B. March 19/1851, at Caraquet, Mr John Gionet, age 80 yrs, and 72 days. Well known and much respected by those for whom he transacted business as commission merchant, and by the public in general. At his own residence, on the Bathurst road, on Monday July 28/1851, died, James Forein. Mr Forein kept a house of entertainment on that road for many years. Appointment, Joseph Read, Deputy treasurer, for the port of Bathurst, vacant by the death of John Miller. At his residence, in Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania, on Nov. 21/1851, Alexander McNeil, Esq., 63 yrs, formerly of Bathurst, County Gloucester. In Dauphin State of Penn, USA, on Nov. 21/1851, Mary, daughter of the late Alexander McNeil, died same day as her father, she was also wife of Alexander Matheson. At Demerara, Mary 11/1852, of fever, Capt. Edward Thompson, who commanded the barque Exhibition, wintering in Bathurst, where he was highly and deservedly respected. On June 9/1852, The Captain of the brigantine Bowes, with two hands , were upset in a boat, and were all unfortunatly drowned. The bodies have not yet been found. DROWNING June 21/1852, Three hands from the barque Lord Byron entering the Bay. At Tabusintac, the 10 of July 1853, after an illness of upward of 2 yrs Mr John Beattie, teacher , native of Dumfrieshire, Scotland, 55 yrs of age, leaving wife and large family. Dec. 8/1846 Robert Tobin, the well known ferryman at the Bathurst ferry, was unfortunately drowned a short time since. It appears that while the deceased was taking across some oxen, they became restive, when the scow took in a considerable quantity of water, and geing unable to manage them, he jumped overboard. It was very boisterous at the time, and being a cripple, he failed in reaching the shore and perished. Record sent to me by David Cook
From the Anglican church records for Bathurst Charles Scott , aged 95 and 6 months born at Dumfries, Scotland & resident in Gloucest Co. (first at Bathurst and later at Janeville for over 60 years, & who worked on the first steam R.R. in England ) died at Janeville, January 18th A.D. l900. and was buried in the church yard of St. George's church, Bathurst the 20th day of Jaunary A.D. 1900. by me The Rev. Street Rector at Bathurst Some from the Newspaper "The Gleaner" which covered from Miramichi to Restigouche Some copied from the Bathurst Church registers
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Updated October 2005