First owned by Michel Degrez, a frenchman from Paris
and employee of Nicolas Denys
and Philippe Esnault de Barbaucannes, he was a surgeon
who was one of the first setters on the Nipisiguit river
The first settler to Inkerman, was Isidore Robichaud
he was born in 1749 in Nova Scotia, son of Joseph and
Claire Leblanc. He married in France, in 1769, Marguerite
Boudreau daughter of Basile and Marguerite Girouard
Joseph born 1704 son of Charles born 1667 son of Etienne
born 1638 son of Louis born 1609
Isidore and a few others mentionned below, petitionned
for land in Richibuctou, in June 1791 and were granted
in Oct. of same year. Isidore's brothers settled there
but Isidore went back to Bonaventure where he had been
since 1777
The other settlers who petitionned for land were
John, Paul, Francis, Lewis and Baptiste Richards
Arthur Nicholson, John, Peter, Cas and Fabien Daigle
Francis Cayouette, Peter Arseneau, Pierre, Joseph
Michel and Charles Robichaud (From the National
Archives, written in back of petition for land
Isidore was followed by the Vienneau, Landry, Godin,
Arseneau, Thibodeau, Blanchard, Doucet and St Pierre
families soon followed him
Around 1800, some Irish families came to Inkerman
such as some of my Ex-husband's family the Gibbs family
(and the Gagnon family although not Irish)
also the Scott, Flaherty
Finn and Mc Carthy
