Gloucester and Restigouche county LAND AND HOMES FOR SALE Nov. 25/1831, 500 acres of land occupied by John Young at Pokeshaw House, barn, 200 acres of land on the little river of Bathurst, and new
store with premises, boom for timber on Alston Point, Jan. 12/1833,
Nicholas W. BusteedFarm for sale, half-way house between Miramichi and Bathurst, owned by
James Forien, house, 30 X 24 feet, frost proof cellar, barn, small
store green house, other outbuildings, 460 acres of land for sale on
July 11/1835 on Bathurst RoadJuly 10/1835...Armstrong 's Cove, for sale, lot no. 3 , 100 acres of land
2 dwellings, one new of 28 X 20, both have a cellar and other
outhouses. seaweed and mud for manure in the cove and a boom which
brings in an annual rent..owned by Thomas ArmstrongJune 4/1838...In town of Bathurst, lots 82 and 83, House, kitchen, dining
room, 3 sitting rooms, with fireplace in each, 4 bedrooms,
and 9 bedrooms on upper flat. House 36 X 25 with extension of 25 X 14
Barn 30 X 20. Frostproof cellar under the whole..
Also lot 67 on King and Andrew
Lot 7 in market place and harbour
pasture lots 132 and 142
200 acre farm at Salmon Beach, salmon and herring fishery in front
Sold by William SmithLand for sale by William Waterson, a lot of 400 acres in county of
Gloucester front 1/2 mile on the post road leading to Bathurst
Dated March 11/1839FOR SALE
100 acre lot, on the Pokemouche River, lot no. 10, 10 acres cut down, small marsh ž mile from a grist mill, 10 acres cut down, small marsh .. ž mile from a grist mill... Sold cheap for cash or Bills of exchange on England or Ireland...
Pokemouche, March 30/1846, Patrick BusherFOR SALE or LET
Property on St George st., Bathurst, owned by Mr John Kerr and at present occupied by Mr Robert Smith. (plus all the particulars)
Bathurst: December 21/1846FOR LET
Beautifully situated double cottage and premises known as "Washington Hall" containing a parlor, a kitchen and a bedroom on the lower flat at each end and four bedrooms in the attic, with a garden attached, situated immediately in front of the steam mill of Messrs Moore & Harding, in Shippegan.
Pokemouche, June 3/1848,
George W. Dwyre.TO LET
Feb. 20/1849
In Bathurst, house and shop, north side of Bathurst bridge, now occupied by Mr Seaton, saddler.
Apply to William Napier, Bathurst.FOR SALE
To be sold or let
The Royal Hotel situated in Dalhousie this building erected purposely as a Hotel, contains 5 lofty and commodious rooms, 4 comfortable bedrooms and 2 parlours on the first floor, and spacious attics. Attached is a large Kitchen, in which is a fine well, oven, etc. A garden and large stable, capable of containing ten tons of hay... The premises are but lately erected and situated near the Court House.. Apply to... P. & D. Stewart. Dalhousie, July 10, 1845FOR SALE
Feb. 27/1849 Beaubair's Island 1 ˝ mile long to be sold by Public Auction (description and sales act) Joseph RussellSALE
To close the concern, J.H.Campbell, auctioneer. Store of Messrs Lowden, Fraser & Co., Campbellton, To be held on Wednesday April 18/1849.From the Newspaper "The Gleaner" which covered from Miramichi to Restigouche This page was designed by Irene Doyle for Gloucester GenWeb Apr/1998
Updated Oct 2005